In an effort to provide maximum comfort, we offer special ground and in-flight services to passengers with unique physical needs, difficulties or disabilities. To obtain the service please request it at the time of booking or up to 48 hours before departure of the flight.
On the day of your departure, upon arrival at the airport you should go to our check-in desk, where you will have all the support for a smooth journey. You must attend the airport at the check-in desk opening time so that all the necessary documentation is completed in time to ensure that the requested service is provided.
We provide special assistance to:
Passengers with permanent or temporary reduced mobility ?
Passengers with reduced mobility
Our crew can ensure the safety of all passengers on board and provide first aid in case of emergency but is not qualified to assist passengers with food, lifting, communication, medication, and inside the lavatories. If you need this type of assistance, you must travel with a companion.
To travel alone, the passenger must be able to:
- Breath normally without any supplementary oxygen;
- Feed himself autonomously;
- Transfer himself from the wheelchair to the seat on board;
- Communicate with the crew and follow their advice or instructions;
- Use the toilets autonomously;
- Take their medication;
- Locate and put on the life jacket;
- Put on the oxygen mask autonomously.
A companion will be mandatory if the passenger, without other relevant illness, is unable to:
- Use the toilets autonomously;
- Feed himself;
- Unfasten the seat belt, leave the seat, and reach an emergency exit without any assistance;
- Remove and put on the life jacket;
- Put on the oxygen mask without any help;
- Understand the safety briefing or any advice or instruction provided by the crew, in case of emergency.
* The companion must be at least 18 and able to assist the disabled passenger throughout the trip.
- Visually impaired passengers;
- Hearing impaired passengers;
- Incubators (fee applies, and with limited routes, please obtain information at the time of booking);
- Stretchers (fee applies and with limited routes, please obtain information at the time of booking);
- In-flight oxygen (fee applies);
- Elderly passengers;
- Families with young children;
- Extra seats for fragile, oversized and similar items (fee applies, please obtain information at the time of booking).
Medical authorization
To be able to provide the best possible assistance, is necessary to inform us whenever you have health problems. A medical case is deemed when a passenger has a medical condition making them dependent on others or requiring personalised assistance. In these cases, the passenger's doctor must fill in the medical form (INCAD) describing the diagnosis. The INCAD is required when the passenger has history of recent illness, hospitalization, recent surgery or any condition considered unstable, this form must be delivered until 48 hours before the departure of the flight.
If one of the following descriptions below apply to your case, please contact your doctor before you travel:
- Chronic heart disease (e.g. angina pectoris, cardiac insufficiency);
- Recent acute myocardial infarction;
- Recent stroke;
- Severe cases of otitis with obstruction of the Eustachian tube;
- Severe cases of mediastinal tumors, extremely large unsupported hernias, intestinal obstruction, chronical diseases involving increased pressure, fracture of the skull and those with recent fracture of the mandible with permanent immobilization;
- Recent surgery, in particular thoracic, abdominal, cranial or ocular surgery;
- Untreated active or contagious infectious disease;
- Hospital transference;
- Need to be transported on a stretcher or in an incubator;
- Need for medical, nursing or paramedic care;
- Need for extra oxygen or other medical equipment on board;
- Pregnancy with complications or after 36 weeks of gestation, or 32 weeks if a multiple pregnancy;
- Infants within 7 days of birth;
- Skin spots that may be related to an infectious disease;
- Mental illness requiring strong sedation or restriction of movement;
- Any disease that is uncontrolled or when the transport may contribute to the aggravation of your condition;
- Physical or behavioural condition which may be dangerous or cause discomfort to the other passengers, in terms of flight safety.
If you are departing from one of the airport managed by ANA Airports
Ponta Delgada, Santa Maria, Horta, Flores, Lisboa, Porto, Funchal ou Faro, ask for assistance at the arrival at the airport.
Upon arriving at the airport, look for the Designated Point of Arrival – a telephone booth clearly marked with the MyWay logo. Using the phone, inform the MyWay service of your arrival, for personal and baggage assistance services at check-in, security checkpoint, border and boarding, all the way to your seat on the aircraft, where the airport's responsibility ends.
- Is the MyWay service properly identified at the airport?
Yes. At the airport, you will find signage directing you to the MyWay service contact points, which identify all and any resources or mechanisms available for people with reduced mobility.
For more information see the video below, or visit the MyWay page at ANA Airport website
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