


All businesses are vulnerable to social engineering and online fraud, which is increasing. It is therefore important that SATA Group’s workers, passengers and partners are vigilant and familiarize themselves with how to recognize and identify fraudulent emails claiming to be from SATA Group’s companies.

Social engineering is the art of manipulating people, so they give up confidential information.
Some examples of social engineering and, in particular, fraudulent emails are:

  • Phishing emails – these claim to be from genuine businesses requesting that individuals reveal confidential information such as passwords and bank details. They can also contain malicious links that can be used to obtain information if clicked on.
  • Spoofing emails – emails where the fraudster disguises the true sender of the email by masking the sender address so that on the surface the email appears to be sent from a genuine email address but when you click reply to this email the email address that you reply to will change. If this happens, it is a possible indication of a potential fraudulent email.

Genuine SATA Group emails:

All genuine SATA Group emails will be sent from the domain and

SATA Group will never communicate via the following domains:
This list is not exhaustive and is meant as examples of other domains that fraudsters frequently use.

You should assume that all emails sent from other domains, such as from these examples and claiming to be from SATA Group, are fraudulent. Do not respond to messages originating from these domains claiming to be from SATA Group, block the email address and or domain, delete the message and report any further activities to
If you are unsure whether the message you have received is a genuine SATA Group email, please contact
